Wanna know me?
Hmm...now that you know about my family its time to tell about myself. I get stuck the moment I start telling about myself. I never had any problem answering the famous question asked in interviews "Tell me about yourself"...but that was not a problem because I had to concentrate on my educational background rather than my character, likes and dislikes. And here I dont wanna talk about my education and employment history and thats why am stuck. Anyways lemme give it a try...here I go!!
Hmm...I'm very very very sensitive by nature. I get hurt easily and its very easy to make me cry...you just raise your voice level or turn away ur face or give me a glare and tears will start rolling from my eyes...simply because am not used to that. One harsh word can spoil my mood for days and months together!! I know I should not be like this and am trying to change myself.
One more aspect of the word 'SENSITIVE'...am sensitive to joys as well...sounds funny and like an incorrect usage of word right? but yes...dunno how else to put it. I told its very easy to make me cry and its equally easy to make me laugh, too. My mom says am either very very happy or very very sad...never neutral...never in control of my emotions...true...but why should I control my emotions? I laugh and jump with joy...and cry when am sad and hurt. This leaves me peaceful. I dont hide my emotions and keep worrying. I spend the moment as its supposed to be spent.
I'm the most laziest person in the world!! But when it comes to things that ought to be done or completed I put in all my efforts. I keep aside my laziness and work for it. And one more case where my laziness takes rest is when I do things which I like.I'm a perfect leo, if things can wait then let them wait!! why bother abt them now??
I'm a reserved person - this is what people say when they meet me for the first time. I take a very long time to make friends. I need that time to understand the person, feel comfortable with them and get the confidence that they will never hurt me or that I can understand and not mind even if they hurt me sometime. So once I cross this line and become friend its very difficult for them to keep me quiet!! I'm very very talkative - only with people who are close to me. I talk less with everyone else. And am naughty, too with my close ones. I love to play pranks and fool people :-)
Lemme put all that in a few sentences...am both reserved and talkative, hard working and lazy, smart and idiotic, dependable and dependent. My family is my most precious gift...its my first priority always. I'm a good friend and value friendship a lot...will go out of my way and do everything if that can cheer up my friend. I dont have control over my emotions. I'm very very stubborn at times. But it is very easy to convince me if you are one in my list of "special people".I never get angry but if you manage to make me angry, then...God save you!! I always end up doing things which I want to do but worry about what others will think...so shld practice any one thing...shld listen to others or shld not worry about other's comments. I know all my weaknesses but my problem is am not able to change myself.
There are still lot more things to say but lemme stop with this. This much is enough now and get to know more about me as you go through my other posts :-)
Hmm...I'm very very very sensitive by nature. I get hurt easily and its very easy to make me cry...you just raise your voice level or turn away ur face or give me a glare and tears will start rolling from my eyes...simply because am not used to that. One harsh word can spoil my mood for days and months together!! I know I should not be like this and am trying to change myself.
One more aspect of the word 'SENSITIVE'...am sensitive to joys as well...sounds funny and like an incorrect usage of word right? but yes...dunno how else to put it. I told its very easy to make me cry and its equally easy to make me laugh, too. My mom says am either very very happy or very very sad...never neutral...never in control of my emotions...true...but why should I control my emotions? I laugh and jump with joy...and cry when am sad and hurt. This leaves me peaceful. I dont hide my emotions and keep worrying. I spend the moment as its supposed to be spent.
I'm the most laziest person in the world!! But when it comes to things that ought to be done or completed I put in all my efforts. I keep aside my laziness and work for it. And one more case where my laziness takes rest is when I do things which I like.I'm a perfect leo, if things can wait then let them wait!! why bother abt them now??
I'm a reserved person - this is what people say when they meet me for the first time. I take a very long time to make friends. I need that time to understand the person, feel comfortable with them and get the confidence that they will never hurt me or that I can understand and not mind even if they hurt me sometime. So once I cross this line and become friend its very difficult for them to keep me quiet!! I'm very very talkative - only with people who are close to me. I talk less with everyone else. And am naughty, too with my close ones. I love to play pranks and fool people :-)
Lemme put all that in a few sentences...am both reserved and talkative, hard working and lazy, smart and idiotic, dependable and dependent. My family is my most precious gift...its my first priority always. I'm a good friend and value friendship a lot...will go out of my way and do everything if that can cheer up my friend. I dont have control over my emotions. I'm very very stubborn at times. But it is very easy to convince me if you are one in my list of "special people".I never get angry but if you manage to make me angry, then...God save you!! I always end up doing things which I want to do but worry about what others will think...so shld practice any one thing...shld listen to others or shld not worry about other's comments. I know all my weaknesses but my problem is am not able to change myself.
There are still lot more things to say but lemme stop with this. This much is enough now and get to know more about me as you go through my other posts :-)
Posted by sugi at 9:14 PM::