Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Blogging frequently....

Why I dont blog frequently? I don't know the reason myself. I very honestly wanna post frequently atleast twice a week. But that never happens. The list will grow big if I start listing out all those things that stopped me from blogging. May be I shouldn't have started three blogs. But I like it this for my poems/stories, one for my pictures and one for writing things about myself and what I feel about various people/things around me. This way it is well categorized - or that is what atleast I feel.

All said and done I have yet again decided to post frequently. No promises, no hopes, no deadlines, no rules and no regrets whatsoever this time. Let me see how it goes this time..................

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tag 4: Reasons Why I blog…

1. The first and foremost reason why I blog is to express my feelings. Earlier I was never comfortable talking to strangers though considered a chatter box among people who are close to me. Of course, things have changed now. My profession has taught me so many things and has changed me in a lot of ways. But when I started my blog it was mainly to convey my emotions…and that’s why I had named my first blog “Silent Conversations”.

2. I’m always fond of diaries. I keep writing diaries and yes…I keep changing them too…I have never completed even one diary but have a lot of diaries now. I consider a diary my friend…one of those special and rare friends with whom we need not have any pretensions. And blogs always looked like e-diaries to me. And that’s what attracted me to blogs.

3. Hmmm….this is always there…it’s a nice feeling always to own a personal space in the world of web. I have always wanted to own a personal site but had a doubt whether I will have time to maintain one. And this blog was a great gift for me to prepare myself to dedicate time to my own site!!

4. The next reason is to hear feedback!! Earlier college magazines and Internet poetry sites helped me in publishing my poems. I had a good feedback and really felt good when my inbox started receiving appreciation mails. I felt good and wanted to have it all in one place and that’s also one of the reasons for starting a blog.

5. Finally, it’s a way of relaxing myself. I feel relaxed and content after I post. Its one of those times I spend for myself.


Tag 3: 7 Things I can’t do…

1. I can’t stay away from my family!! That’s the top most in the list. I understood it better when I stayed in Pune and Bangalore. I was longing to get back home!! Thank God I have got transfer to Chennai now!!

2. The next thing I can’t do is to tolerate selfish or sarcastic people. I tend to go as far as possible from these kinda people. Sarcasm turns me off and spoils my mood.

3. Another thing I can’t do is to forget things that hurt me. There are few things which I would love to forget but they keep popping up sometimes. It puts me off for days together. But those are the things which have taught me few good lessons. And I’m glad I learnt those lessons….more earlier the better.

4. I can’t say NO to anyone. This is seriously a problem. I end up hurting myself in trying to not hurt others. I even tried the book ‘How to say NO’. But its of no use :-(

5. I can't avoid chocolates and ice creams!!! That may sound funny but a lot of times I have tried avoiding them and am yet to succeed!!

6. Another thing I can’t do is to keep my expectations low. I always expect a lot. This was ok and I never had any problem so far coz everyone till now has been up to my expectations. But I can’t carry on like his and should try not to expect a lot.

7. One final thing I can’t do is to be independent. I always need my family and friends to be with me.


Tag 2: Things I don’t like to do…

1. I don’t like to make my parents and my sister unhappy at any cost.
2. I don’t like to miss my near and dear ones.
3. I hate living a monotonous life. There is so much exciting out there.
4. I don’t like to hurt anyone.
5. I hate doing things under compulsion. I hate it when others dictate what I should do.


Tag 1: Things I like to do…

1. I like to keep my family happy always.
2. I like spending time for myself and there are a lot of special moments…my own golden moments…that’s a long list and I would write a separate post for it soon!!
3. I like to be the reason for a smile. I like making others feel good about them.
4. I like to do something useful to the society.
5. I like to be surrounded by people who are close to me.
6. I like trying out different things…mostly creative art works.
7. I love reading books. They take me to a different world.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Wanna know me? that you know about my family its time to tell about myself. I get stuck the moment I start telling about myself. I never had any problem answering the famous question asked in interviews "Tell me about yourself"...but that was not a problem because I had to concentrate on my educational background rather than my character, likes and dislikes. And here I dont wanna talk about my education and employment history and thats why am stuck. Anyways lemme give it a I go!!

Hmm...I'm very very very sensitive by nature. I get hurt easily and its very easy to make me just raise your voice level or turn away ur face or give me a glare and tears will start rolling from my eyes...simply because am not used to that. One harsh word can spoil my mood for days and months together!! I know I should not be like this and am trying to change myself.
One more aspect of the word 'SENSITIVE' sensitive to joys as well...sounds funny and like an incorrect usage of word right? but yes...dunno how else to put it. I told its very easy to make me cry and its equally easy to make me laugh, too. My mom says am either very very happy or very very sad...never neutral...never in control of my emotions...true...but why should I control my emotions? I laugh and jump with joy...and cry when am sad and hurt. This leaves me peaceful. I dont hide my emotions and keep worrying. I spend the moment as its supposed to be spent.

I'm the most laziest person in the world!! But when it comes to things that ought to be done or completed I put in all my efforts. I keep aside my laziness and work for it. And one more case where my laziness takes rest is when I do things which I like.I'm a perfect leo, if things can wait then let them wait!! why bother abt them now??

I'm a reserved person - this is what people say when they meet me for the first time. I take a very long time to make friends. I need that time to understand the person, feel comfortable with them and get the confidence that they will never hurt me or that I can understand and not mind even if they hurt me sometime. So once I cross this line and become friend its very difficult for them to keep me quiet!! I'm very very talkative - only with people who are close to me. I talk less with everyone else. And am naughty, too with my close ones. I love to play pranks and fool people :-)

Lemme put all that in a few both reserved and talkative, hard working and lazy, smart and idiotic, dependable and dependent. My family is my most precious gift...its my first priority always. I'm a good friend and value friendship a lot...will go out of my way and do everything if that can cheer up my friend. I dont have control over my emotions. I'm very very stubborn at times. But it is very easy to convince me if you are one in my list of "special people".I never get angry but if you manage to make me angry, then...God save you!! I always end up doing things which I want to do but worry about what others will shld practice any one thing...shld listen to others or shld not worry about other's comments. I know all my weaknesses but my problem is am not able to change myself.

There are still lot more things to say but lemme stop with this. This much is enough now and get to know more about me as you go through my other posts :-)


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Meet my family...

Hey, you haven’t met my family yet, have you? What are you waiting for…just get on board and meet them. As my profile says I have a very sweet family…we are four of us…my dad, mom, sis and myself.

Meet my dad first…have you watched the ad in which all cute kids say “My daddy strongest!” ? Well, I always tell to myself at the end of that ad “My daddy best(est)!”. Yup he is the perfect dad – he is my father, friend, teacher, playmate, guide and conscience. He is too good at heart and always wants to help people. Me and my sis always get into arguments with my dad on this topic. We want him to help only those people who are in need and those who understand its worth. But daddy wants to keep helping others as long as he can even if they don’t value it. He is just too good. He has taught me what is good and what is not. He keeps telling me “Do your duty and leave the rest to God”. And he is fond of giving surprises…be it movie tickets for my favorite film or something which I wanted to buy very badly…oh there are so many more things and am just getting confused what to write and what not to write. He is the source of my strength and the one I always look up to with loving trust and pride.

Here comes my mom…loving, caring, warm, gentle, strong and so many more things…I have never ever seen my mom getting angry and raising her voice whatsoever. She is always soft-spoken and has never used harsh words. She keeps telling me and my sis that we should stick to good words even while angry at others. She is the most sweetest mom in the world. Lemme tell something here…I developed the habit of reading books only last year and I have read around seven or eight personality development books…all the books say what my mom says and preach to be as my mom is…I was able to identify each and every line in those books with my mom and that’s when I realized there is no better personality development book than my mom. I swear…you can just watch my mom for a couple of days and learn a lot of what those books try to explain in pages and pages. If only I could be half as patient and gentle as my mom I will be fortunate!!

And here is a most interesting person…my sis!! I must say am blessed to have such a sweet sis…and am not exaggerating. She is God’s wonderful gift to me. She is the only person who can control me! Yes, I listen only to her. I can always get away with daddy and amma with a bit of cheesy dialogues and cajoling…but no success with my sis. She knows what is good for me and also how to make me do it :-) And there are times when I myself dunno what is wrong with me. But my sis can always find out what is wrong with me even when I don’t know it myself. She is very disciplined and pefect. I being the most laziest person always end up arguing with her. But then those arguments are the ones which bring us closer!! I miss her arguments as much as I miss her when she’s not with me!! And I must tell this…she is very intelligent, talented and strong willed. I didn’t choose her for a sister…but if I could have then I surely would have!!

So this is my sweet little family. I can confidently say I’m the luckiest person in the world as God chose me to give such a sweet family. My family is really a blessing!!



My resolution gone for a toss the very first month of the year :-( I had decided that I will update my blog frequently this year and that’s the only post in my blog for these first two months. Why didn’t I update my blog??? I ran out of topics…oh no that’s not true…actually I had too many topics in mind and couldn’t choose one among them to start with. Now lemme not think too much about topics and start blogging regularly…and this time I bet I will keep up my word :-)


Friday, January 19, 2007

Hmm….where shall I start from? What shall I write?
As the blog title says I wanna write all about myself and my world…it’s a little world…my own little world…it contains the people who influence me and help making me the person I’m today, and the dreams that shape my life and add colors to it.

Many people come into your life and serve some sort of purpose…they might make you happy, or teach you a lesson, or help you figure out who you are or what you wanna become. You might not recognize them at the first instant but they affect your life in some way or the other. The people you meet who affect your life and the experiences you gain along the way help in shaping up who you are and who you become.

Dreams are the blue print of who you are. Dreams are of various sizes and of various shades…but the important thing is that they add color to your life. Your life is colorful only coz of your dreams. Dare to dream and work hard to realize your dreams.

Everything happens for a reason…and if you don’t know the reason, there’s a reason for that too. So don’t go searching for the life as it unfolds. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Make every moment count and learn a lesson in life each day you live.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

Lemme start by wishing you all a very happy and a prosperous new year 2007!!!! of my resolutions this year is to update my blog frequently...lemme see how long I keep it :-) I didnt go to chennai this weekend. I had returned from chennai only on wednesday, so it didnt make sense to me to go back again on friday. I thought I can manage three days here in Bangalore. So I decided after a long time to spend my new year here in this place where I feel I dont belong to.

My weekend started on friday afternoon when some of my friends decided to have a GTG in electronic city office. I took a shuttle along with one of my friend and went to EC office and had a great time there. I went to forum from there with two of my friends and met another friend and his sister who had come to Bangalore. Then had dinner and went back to my PG.

Hmm...saturday...time to sleep nicely without having to worry about getting up early and rushing to office...Went to the movie 'Happy Feet' with my friends in the afternoon. This was the first time I got to see an animation movie and liked it a lot.Then went to a temple in Koramangala. Wonder what is it in the temple that gives such a nice feeling and a sense of satisfaction. I find myself relaxed, calm and happy whenever I visit a temple. Returned to my PG in a very good mood. We had a small conference in my room and then we decided to go to Lumbini gardens (Dr. Rajkumar Dhoni Vihara) the next day. We all went to sleep after having decided the next day's schedule.

Uff...The day started pretty badly...I had a severe head ache and was feeling giddy from the moment I got up. Sadly decided that I will not be able to go out with my friends and then slept again due to the effect of the tablet. Got up around 11.30 to find my friends still in the PG. Then decided to go out in the neck of the moment and got ready in the next half an hour!!!

It took us little more than an hour to reach the place. None of us have been to the place earlier and as a result got down at Nagavara instead of Nagavarakere. We had to walk quite a lot of distance but it was fun actually. We had our lunch in one of the restaurants on the way. The restaurant was built in a good taste but maintanence was pathetic. Thank god the fan above us didnt work or else we would have ended up with a good shower of dust and cobwebs.

We continued our walk after lunch and finally reached Lumbini gardens. It was like Eat Street in Hyderabad and thats why I liked this place a lot. We walked around for sometime and went in Twirling Vortex ride and then had ICE CREAMS :-) Time for boating then...We decided to take the pedal boats. Only two persons were allowed in a boat and thus I had the wonderful opportunity to pedal for the first time. It was an amzing experience...loved each and every second of it.

We then went to Ragigudda temple from Lumbini gardens. It was such a beautiful temple and I regretted not going there for so long. Here I reminded God about my wishes and then wished him Happy 2007. Then we sat on the rock there for sometime before returning back to our PG.

The new year was only two hours away. All of us sat in the hall and were watching all useless programs in the TV. However stupid be the program, it is always fun to sit and watch as a gang and comment on it. Finally it was 12 o clock and 2007 arrived!!! It was suddenly phone time and all of us were busy with our cell phones. But the network was busy as well and didnt allow us to wish our near and dear ones. I was somewhat lucky as I got to speak to my parents, two aunts, brothers and 3 friends. We celebrated the new year in the terrace watching the crackers lighting up the atmosphere symbolizing the bright year coming ahead.

Then we came down to our apartment and had a gala time shouting and dancing. We woke up our room mates who were sleeping with loud music and then danced for the next hour. Its the first time I danced in front of others. It was fun.Then went to sleep around 2 o clk but were able to sleep only after 4 o clock.

The first day of the new year started with my sis calling me to wish for the new year. I suddenly missed being at home for the new year and thought about my parents who had to spend this new year without me and my sis with them. My parents celebrating in Chennai, me in Bangalore and my sis in Dallas...felt lonely suddenly and wanted to go to Chennai. I cursed myself for having stayed in Bangalore for these three days. Then went to sleep again and got up very late at around 10 o clock. I couldnt call anyone as the network was still busy. This time my mood was not so good to try patiently till I get the line... so I messaged all my friends and cousins. Didnt feel like going out anywhere, so stayed in the room, sleeping and watching TV.

Hmm....New year is here now. Hope it brings love, luck, happiness and peace with it for everyone. As all of you I also have a lot of dreams, hopes and wishes for the new year. Lets hope 2007 fulfills all our wishes. Have a great year!!!


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Yet to start posting....
